How To Profit From Expired Domain Names

Expired domain names can be a real asset in generating income and growing any business online. This is a very powerful and effective method for instant traffic, leads, sales and income but is still not very much understood and widely used.

This article will reveal what expired domain names are and how you can use them to instantly boost your business and income.   

What are expired domain names?

The simplest explanation of an expired domain name is – domains that have been previously registered and used but have not been renewed and are again available to be purchased by a new buyer. Simple enough?

Every single day many thousands of domain names are registered.

Every day thousands of domain names also expire and are renewed by their owner.

Many times some domains are not renewed for several reasons and are eventually available to be purchased again to the general public.

Now you are probably wondering why are some domain names not renewed? There are numerous reasons for that such as the owner forgot about them, lost interest in them, didn’t ave funds to renew, medical reasons and so on.

Why are they an asset? 

There are many benefits to certain types of expired domain names.

Many of these “expired domain names” are of high value and pack with a lot of “SEO juice”.

These domain names had sites built around them and were getting traffic. Their previous owners marketed these domain and websites to get traffic from various other sites, search engines and social media.

This is the fact that some of the good expired domain names still:

  • get organic traffic from search engines like Google and Bing
  • are bookmarked by visitors
  • have links on lots of sites and some of them on high authority sites like Youtube, CNN and others
  • people are still clicking on those links and the domains are still getting traffic
  • are aged and gets Google preference in search engine rankings
  • have an established PageRank that can be exploited

Basically you can see that some of these domains are still getting traffic but because the domain name as expired, the traffic is going nowhere.

So what we need to do is buy these domain names and “hijack” its existing and free traffic for our personal profits.

Here are a few ways to quickly profit from expired domain names

I have personally used expired domain names to profit in several ways. Here are some quick and easy ways for instant traffic and monetary gains:

  • Park the domain name with your registrar or and they will put ads on the domain page. You earn a share of the advertising revenue. Not all registrar lets you monetize your parked domains so do check with your registrar. I park some domains on and earn some revenues.
  • Redirect the domain to an affiliate offer. If the expired domain is still getting targeted traffic and you do not want to build a website, simply redirect the domain to a targeted affiliate offer and earn easy commissions.
  • Redirect the domain to your website. Already have a website in the same niche as the domain. Simply redirect the domain to your site, blog, ecom store for instant targeted visitor boost. 
  • Redirect the domain to your optin page. This lets you build your list for ongoing marketing and income.
  • Resell the domain name for quick profits. I have sold several domain names for over $500 each in matter of days of purchasing them for $12. The easiest way to do this is to contact another site within te same niche of the domain and offer it to to them for sale and show them that the domain is still getting traffic and is already on the search engines. This is easy sale.

Click here to learn more about domain flipping with the Millionaire Society. 

  • Build a website around the domain. You can build a complete website and bussiness around a high value domain. Monetize the website via advertising, selling products or flip the complete website for a handsome payday.
  • Generate leads for other companies. You can setup a lead capture page and then sell these leads to other companies.

As you can see there are many ways to profit from an expired domain name. The above are some methods I have used to generate income from expired domain names. 

What is the best way to find authority expired domain names?

If you do a Google search you will find a bunch of very good tool to help you find expired domain names and also give you important information such as backlinks, PageRank, Alexa rank and other vital stats. This should help you make an informed information on deciding which domains has the potential to make you money and the niche you can monetize them with.

I use a bunch of them but my favorite and the easiest tool to use is the MyTrafficJacker Pro 2.0 – 4-In-1 Expired Authority Domain Names Jacker web-app

4-In-1 Expired Authority Domain Names Jacker - MyTrafficJacker Pro 2
Allows You To Instantly Monetize Expired Authority Domain Names Listed On BBC, Quora, Wikipedia & YouTube In Multiple Ways