Mobile Swipe Lead Generation App – SWYPIO

Use Mobile Swipe Technology To Grow Your Leads Effortlessly


Mobile Lead Generation & Engagement App Using Addictive Swipe Cards

Create Game Changing Swipe Cards & Leverage The Power Of  Mobile Swiping To EXPLODE Every Single Aspect Of Your Business.

Slap A Swipe Card Anywhere & Watch Your Mobile Traffic, Leads, Engagement, Rankings, Time Spent On Site DRAMATICALLY Increase.

Here is how you can stop neglecting all of your mobile traffic by offering ONE simple thing using the mobile swipe lead generation technique:


You see, every smartphone user is used to swipe to engage with content.

Think TikTok, think Tinder, these two platforms, especially tinder, have destroyed the competition thanks to swiping.

And it’s PROVEN that swiping is addictive, relaxing and intuitive.

Swypio uses the swiping technology to engage with your visitors and effortlessly collect their name and email.

Using The Proven Power Of MOBILE SWIPING to grow your business!

=> Click Here To See How Easy It Is To Swipe & Capture Leads On Your Website…

[+] Collect Leads In A Single Swipe & Store Unlimited Leads In Your Dashboard.

[+] Become FULLY Mobile Compatible For The First Time Ever.

[+] Increase Time On Site Drastically & Get More Rankings, Ad Revenue & Returning Visitors As A Result.

[+] 100% Cloud App, Create Campaigns & Swipe Cards From ANYWHERE, ANYTIME

[+] Bridge The Gap Between YOU And The 3,500,000,000 Mobile Users That Are USED To Swiping EVERYTHING & Ignore Your Content.

[+] CASE STUDY: How We Got 3,304% More LEADS With This

[+] Dummy Proof, Anyone Can Create AMAZING, Attractive & Attention Getting Swipe Cards In Minutes

Start Using Swypio Today To Get:

– UNLIMITED Campaigns per month
– UNLIMITED swipe cards per campaign.
– Image embed including GIF
– Embed Swypio cards on any website
– Url redirection or message display after submission
– Loader page customization
– 10 ready made campaigns for 10 niches
– 100+ Isometric illustrations
– 1000+ stock images
– 500+ stock videos
– Commercial License for the assets and campaigns

Are You Ready To Crack Mobile Traffic Wide Open… Easier Than Ever Before?

We Got The WHOLE Process Down To 5 Simple Steps:

Step #1 – Integrate
Login To Your Swypio Account, Integrate Your Autoresponder!

Step #2 – Create
Create Stunning Swipe Card Campaigns With Ease In Just Few Clicks.

Step #3 – Publish
Publish Your Campaign Directly Or Embed To Your Website.

Step #4 – Collect
Skyrocket Your Traffic, Engagement & Collect Leads Like Never Before With Swypio.
(Works On Both Mobile & PC)

Step #5 – Profit
Just Sit Back, Relax And See Your Profits Grow And Making Sales 24X7X365.

Watch US Create A Profitable Campaign In Minutes… “BEHIND THE SCENES” DEMO:

With Swypio You Get:

Create as many swipe card campaigns you want in any niche, any business. Add as many swipe cards you want to each campaign. Get your creative juices flow. Your imagination is the only limit.

No limits on the number of leads you can collect. Collect and store as many leads inside Swypio.

Create highly engaging, addictive swipe cards with images and gifs. Embed any images or gifs to your swipe cards.

Redirect them to any URL after they sign up or just show them a simple message like coupon or URL.

Take your swipe card and embed it anywhere. Embed it on your blogs, websites, marketing pages, stores, Ads or just let us host it on our server.

Download all the leads from different campaigns in CSV format. Create custom audiences for your ads or upload them to your own email server.

Integrate your Autoresponder in few clicks. Unlike other softwares, you can add as many APIs you want, so you can create different campaigns for different Autoresponder account.

See exactly what people are swiping -left or right. What devices they are using, the conversion rates, the best swipe cards. Everything you need to take your swipe campaigns to the next level.

Learn from our campaigns. See the results we got, take inspiration and create your own high converting campaigns.

The Benefits of Using Swypio Today:

Higher Conversions On EVERYTHING
It’s not just our testings that showed significant improvements in conversions. It’s also the fact that swiping is simply proven to keep people going on and on and on with whatever they engage with.

Requesting an action to be taken by your visitor or a asking for a sale is a hell of a lot easier when your content is swipable.

GET WAY More Leads
Same as above but since we have LEAD GENERATION specific features built into the software, and even the ability to collect and store them in the platform (we of course cannot see them) you can expect a huge increase in leads if that’s what jiggles your wiggle.

More Time Spent On Site & Ad Revenue
When your content is swipable and especially when NO ONE ELSE’S content is swipable, people tend to spend more time on your site, just like tinder and tiktok where people spend significant amounts of “straight” time

(meaning they stay and don’t move on to other activities, and remain focused on the platforms until they are done, this is a killer of distractions)

When people spend more time on your site, your ad revenue will increase, your retention will increase, people will then remember your brand name or your name better and faster.

Faster & Higher Rankings
As people spend more time on site, this signals google that your site is of high quality, has good content, is interesting, engaging and a good experience.

Hence they instantly reward you with higher rankings as google likes quality over quantity.

Grab Attention & Keep It
Swipe Cards aren’t just engaging, they’re also attention grabbers.

You heard the goldfish story with the 8 seconds goldfish attention span and humans with less? That’s B.S.

Humans have selective attention, they have no problem to really quickly look at things that spark their interest, like beautiful faces, attractive people, shiny things, new products from favourite brands and more.

Swipe Cards eliminate that, instantly grab attention, and keep it.

Relevancy & Appealing To The Youth
The big shakers and movers these days are the youth, they want what brands make and brands sell what they want.

Swiping is not accident, swiping is a consistent factor in their lives, the minute you try to sell them something without swiping, you lost their interest.
Not completely, but more than enough to hurt your business.

We FIX this.

The Invisible Foundation – Engagement!
When I say engagement, what thought comes to mind? Is it sales, traffic, leads?

No, it’s NOTHING.

That’s because to most people engagement means nothing, and your job as the marketer is to use specific terms like sales, traffic, leads.

WELL the truth is, engagement is something, and that is the fact that users devote their time, attention and trust with you, and when they do, something amazing happens, they remember you.

=> Click Here To Start Using This Mobile Swipe Lead Generation App Now!