VS Evolution – Instant Top Ranking Videos Creator & Syndication

Cloud App Creates & Ranks Your Videos Super Fast Using Existing Videos Ranking Data


Stealth Software Unlocks Unlimited ‘FREE TRAFFIC’ From Google & YouTube… In Minutes
Copy & Swipe FREE Targeted ‘Trending’ Traffic In the Next 60 Minutes.

Simple 4 Click Software Researches + Creates + Ranks + Syndicates Your Videos For Free Traffic

VSE enables anyone (even Newbies) to copy and use factors currently used in successful campaigns and capitalize on it in minutes via a simple research, emulate and deploy process.

Users can use the data for there own videos, or use one of our two integrated video builders to create new videos to fit any niche.

Lastly users can then syndicate videos across multiple channels for additional exposure and traffic.

With this new software you can quickly and accurately locate profitable keywords to target by ranking your videos.

Then once you’ve found a profitable video ranking opportunity the software creates a video you can rank for that profitable keyword.

The software then creates beautiful videos, educational videos and/or slide-based videos.

You don’t need to do any of the creating yourself, simply select what type of video you want the software to create…and it does the rest for you!

Then finally select where you want to upload your video to (YouTube or WordPress) and track your campaigns.

=> Click Here To See How Useful This Software Is…

VSEvolution  is a User friendly Video Traffic SaaS Platform – Consisting of:

Keyword Finder

Enter seed keywords to analyze competition in any niche. VSE keyword research displays correlated YouTube and Google results and displays phrase competition using a traffic light system… Forget hours of research – Just pick GREEN

Rank Data Generator

Generate downloadable titles, descriptions and tags (meta details) to get your videos on page 1. Use on existing videos, new videos, VSE created Videos.

Competitor Spy

Copy what works! Instantly analyse & reverse engineer top ranking videos on Google & YouTube for specific keywords…

VSE Create 1 & 2

Build videos from web pages… Simply drop in the page URL, Make selections with the re-sizeable crop frame, crop page sections and turn into video slides, use video clips, images… add audio and upload with extracted ranking data.


User can now instantly syndicate across multiple channels for additional free traffic and exposure.


Step 1 – Enter a Keyword & Click Research

VSE extracts seed keyword related long-tail phrases from Google and Youtube.

You can enter any phrase and the software does the rest for you.

Step 2 – Trending & Low Competition

VSE instantly reveals trending, breakout and low competition phrases based on user defined time periods, online search and GEO location.

VSE incorporates a Simple Traffic Light System to Show You Exactly Where to Focus

Choose One Of The ‘Green’ Phrases From The List of Keywords That VSE Suggests… Remember: Green Means Easy!

EXAMPLE: In this example we entered the broad ‘High Competition’ phrase ‘Diet’ with a time period of the last 30 days, using a web search.

The software lists trending keywords for that period (30 days) along with long tail related phrases and most importantly the competition score (in this case the competitiveness is 10 and green)…

This combination indicates that this phrase is currently popular and trending (5000% growth in the last 30 days) and also has low competition.

Step 3 – Extract Ranking Data

VS Evolution then extracts the keyword specific ranking factors ready for you to use with your own videos…

These Are The ‘Hidden’ Factors You Need In Order To Rank At The Top Of Google And YouTube

See website link to video App details below.

Step 4 – Your Videos

Plug your existing videos into VS Evolution… (simply use the data VSE reveals), or use new videos.

Turn a Website Link into a Unique Video…

Use VSE to create targeted videos in minutes from other peoples sales pages – simply drop in the page URL to make your video. VSE includes 2 video makers (at no additional cost)

Step 5 – Rank on Google

Because VSE suggests the correct phrases, and corresponding phrase ranking data you are virtually guaranteed to rank on Google & YouTube… Often within minutes.

This means you can drive FREE search traffic with just a few clicks

=> Check Out This Demo Video

VIDEO WIZARD Included with VS Evolution:

Turn Any WebPage Into Video
All You Need Is A Website URL… Works With Any Website

We know you’re probably not an SEO Ninja… and we’re sure you have better things to do, than spend all day making videos.

So we built in a Unique Solution
You can now… Turn Any Webpage Into a Video In Minutes

All You Need Is A Website URL…

Step 1 – Website URL

Drop in a website URL. The website will now load / show in the video wizard.

Works with all websites… It doesn’t have to be a site you own site.

Step 2 – Selection Tool

Use the selection tool to select the areas of the website you wish to use. Selection tool can be dragged & resized over any part of any website.

Crop and turn selected areas into video slides.

Step 3 – Add Elements

You Can Add Intros and Outros, Text Overlays…

Voice Narration (narrate and record as the video plays).

Add one of the royalty free MP3 music loops… and more (all included)

Step 4 – Direct Upload

VS Evolution connects with your YouTube Account.

So once you have made your video you can upload directly to YouTube along with the correct ranking factors from inside your dashboard…

VS Evolution connects to YouTube legally using an authorized API.

=> Check Out The VSE Video Wizard Demo



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