Duplicate And Edit Webpages – Changio Software


Edit Practically ANY Web Page On The Internet In Seconds Without Any Coding!

Hosting Included

Changio is a cloud app that allows you to copy or duplicate and edit webpages any way you want and even hosts it for you.

This software allows you to legally take ANY web page and and modify it n make it your own without needing any coding or technical knowledge.

This is perfect for anyone who wants to make changes to their own websites but doesn’t know how to code…or for people who want to use other pages as inspiration for their own.

POWERFUL – Edit virtually any web page on the internet with ease (even pages you dont own)

EFFECTIVE – Save time and money by not having to hire a developer

SIMPLE -No coding or experience required, so easy to use, anyone can do it

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Changio is so simple to use as there are only 3 easy steps!

1 – Start

Enter in practically any website URL (even one that you do not own) into the cloud based Changio software, it will then be automatically pulled into the software for you to edit.

2 – Customize

Use the easy to understand page editor to change the page as you need. You can edit text, images, colors, fonts, layout, videos and more. You can even add new elements to the page.

In fact this very page was created by taking a sales page for another product and ‘Changio-ing’ it 🙂

3 – Publish

After saving your changes you can then publish the updates to your live site, use our provided page hosting, or download your new pages as a file. Its up to you.

You can even have multiple versions of your page that you activate or deactivate for split testing!

See it in action, watch the live demo below:

Real Life Uses:

1. You really like a sales page but don’t want to pay a graphic designer to create it again. So instead you use Changio to use the page and change it to make it your own.

2. You have a website and want to make changes, but don’t know how. You can use Changio to easily make changes on your own site.

3. You want to leverage authority on someone else’s website and put your own affiliate links on it.

4. You want to promote a product as an affiliate, but the sales page isn’t good. So you edit it and make it convert better.

Anyone that has a website will love this tool!

With it you can easily:

Editing Pages – Save thousands of dollars in fees by never having to pay a web designer again to make updates to your pages!

Create pages – Take practically any existing webpage, update it with your content and graphics, and turn it into a new page of your own!

Split testing – Have multiple versions of your web page that you activate or deactivate to do split testing!

Look like a pro – Always have the best, freshest, most modern design for your pages without needing to be a web developer of graphics designer!

Get better results – Tweak and update your pages with ease , test headlines, graphics, and call to actions to see what gets you the best results!

Freelancers – Use Changio to update customers and clients pages and charge them a fee. They will never know how easy it really was for you!

=> Click Here For Instant Access To Changio – Duplicate And Edit Webpages Software



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